বুধবার, ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

I'ma retiree on a fixed income. How can I still invest in rental property?

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Question by Misty Perry: I?m a retiree on a fixed income. How can I still invest in rental property?
I read an article on this real estate investment blog that says I can use my IRA to purchase rental property.

This company says its called a Self-directed IRA and the IRA holds the title to the investment property so that the income from the property goes back into my IRA. And even after paying expenses like property taxes and insurance, the income made with an investment property purchased with a self-directed IRA can be two to three times greater than other fixed-income offerings.

I haven?t heard or seen much about this and wanted to make sure this blog is a good source for information.


Thanks for any suggestions you can offer,

Best answer:

Answer by Dave
Don?t believe everything you read on blogs. Consult a qualified INEDEPENDENT financial planner before attempting anything like this. The blog you cite is from a real estate investment group ? of course THEY?RE going to push real estate investing.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Source: http://realpropertymanagement.tk/im-a-retiree-on-a-fixed-income-how-can-i-still-invest-in-rental-property/

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