বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

Health care for communities(HCC) and levels of health care ...

Health care f?r communities(HCC) ?n? levels ?f health care:

T? improve broadcast awareness ?n heath ?n? t? provide community based services f?r vulnerable people. Community based health addresses basic health care needs ?n targeted communities, empowering people t? take care ?f th??r ?wn health.

S?m? ?f ??r priorities ?r?:

Community based health ?n? first aid
Communicable diseases prevention ?n? scrutiny
Broadcast health ?n emergencies, including HIV/AIDS
Prevention ?n? reduction ?f stigma
Hygiene, water ?n? sanitation

Healthcare f?r Communities ?? designed t? provide information ?n h?w th? healthcare system ?? functioning ?n? changing f?r people w?th alcohol, drug abuse ?n? mental health conditions. HCC tracks changes ?n health policy, health care delivery, access t? care, ?n? costs ?n? outcomes ?f care related t? ADM conditions. Healthcare f?r Communities (HCC) w?? funded under th? RWJF Health Tracking Initiative ?? a bold, n?w attempt t? provide more systematic, relevant, ?n? timely information ?n ADM care. Initial goals included providing th? first, basic national estimates ?n ??m? areas, such ?? documenting th? level ?f quality ?f care provided nationally f?r common mental disorders; ?n? providing a basic information infrastructure t? h??? inform current policy debates. Th?? kind ?f integration ?f clinical ?n? policy relevant issues h?? n?t b??n attempted before ?n a national scale.

Levels ?f Health Care:

Th?r? ?r? 3 different levels ?f health care system wh??h ?r? primary, secondary, ?n? tertiary. In th?? post, ????ll ??t t? know more ?b??t th??? health care systems. Th??? referral systems ?r? interlinked ?r interconnected t? one another.

Primary health care ?? ?b??t preventing illness ?r disability. Devolved t? cities ?n? municipalities Usually th? first contact between th? community members ?n? ?th?r levels ?f health


Filed: Health and Fitness
tags: alcohol drug abuse, Care, communitiesHCC, Health, Healthcare, hiv aids prevention, information, level, Levels, public health nurse

Source: http://mestee.com/health-and-fitness/health-care-for-communitieshcc-and-levels-of-health-care/

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