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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.As far as monsters go, you're probably all familiar enough with the FF series to know what monsters are common throughout it. But, manikins on the other hand follow a rather distinct naming pattern corresponding to the FF game that they mimic characters of. You should be familiar with this naming pattern if you have Dissidia Final Fantasy or Dissidia 012 Duodecim. You should be familiar with the manikins from the games, so I will only list the new Manikins here. So, without further ado here they are:
False Trickster: A manikin of Astos.
Imitation Swordmaster: A manikin of Leon.
Imitation Bow-maiden: A manikin of Maria.
Counterfeit Sorceror: A manikin of Xande.
Counterfeit Child: A manikin of Refia.
Delusory Zombie: A manikin of Scarmiglione.
Delusory Archer: A manikin of Rosa.
Delusory Whirlwind: A manikin of Barbariccia.
Delusory Dragoon: A manikin of Kain.
Delusory Creation: A manikin of a Maenad.
Delusory Prince: A manikin of Ceodore.
Fallacious Giant: A manikin of Gilgamesh.
Fallacious Pirate: A manikin of Faris.
Phantasmal Tyrant: A manikin of Gestahl.
Phantasmal Romantic: A manikin of Edgar.
Phantasmal Collector: A manikin of Siegfried.
Phantasmal Rogue: A manikin of Locke.
Imaginary Hero: A manikin of Genesis.
Imaginary Underdog: A manikin of Zack.
Imaginary Radiance: A manikin of Weiss.
Imaginary Demon: A manikin of Vincent.
Imaginary Researcher: A manikin of Fuhito.
Imaginary Pilot: A manikin of Reno.
Imaginary Remnant: A manikin of Kadaj.
Imaginary Shade: A manikin of Rude.
Transient Brute: A manikin of Seifer.
Transient Angel: A manikin of Rinoa.
Capricious Puppet: A manikin of Black Waltz #3.
Capricious Princess: A manikin of Garnet.
Ephemeral Specter: A manikin of Seymour.
Ephemeral Dreamer: A manikin of Rikku.
Ephemeral Gambler: A manikin of Leblanc.
Ephemeral Nightmare: A manikin of Yunalesca.
Ephemeral Ronin: A manikin of Auron.
Duke of Antiquity: A manikin of Eald'narche.
Idle Dynast Queen: A manikin of Ashe.
Idle Dictator: A manikin of Vayne.
Idle Sky Captain: A manikin of Balthier.
Idle Bounty Hunter: A manikin of Ba'gamnan.
Fleeting Fist: A manikin of Snow.
Fleeting Glimpse: A manikin of Cid Raines.
As you can see I left some of the old manikins in the list because they're sorta connected to the new warriors. Also, I left out Chrono Trigger, FF Tactics, Kingdom Hearts, Mystic Quest, and other spin-offs or non-FF Square Enix games. However, this topic was started so that you can suggest naming patterns for these other games and we can all agree on something. Though, I kind of have an idea myself for Chrono Trigger at least. As far as OC's go, follow the name pattern corresponding to whatever FF world they come from. Like, FF7 OC's should have Imaginary in their Manikin name, FF10 OC's should have Ephemeral, and so on. You should probably think of the names for the Manikin clones of your OC's yourself, and then just tell me what the Manikin is called so I can put it here. Thank you, and may you fight well brave warriors.
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If you appreciate what they do, feel free to donate your spare change to help feed them on the weekends. After selecting the amount you want to donate from the menu, you can continue by clicking on PayPal logo.
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29 December 2011 | 08:14:49 AM | Source: AFP
Yoshihiko Noda (File Getty)
Japan and India have struck a $15 billion currency swap deal that could support the sagging rupee as Japanese premier Yoshihiko Noda made a lightning trip to New Delhi to push closer ties.
The deal was part of a slew of agreements clinched by India and Japan, which is seeking to forge stronger alliances in the Asian region as a counterweight to China's growing might.
"I am convinced we need to strengthen the economic partnership," said Noda, whose country sees India an attractive market with its increasingly affluent middle class, especially with the European and US economies slowing.
"Japan has technology and capital while India has a young workforce as well as abundant demand for infrastructure," he said, calling the "complementarity" between the second- and third-largest Asian economies "unmatched".
Coming on the heels of a trip to China where the main focus was on political diplomacy, heightened by the aftermath of the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, Noda's visit to India stressed economic relations.
The currency swap, under which Japan could lend India dollars to defend the ailing rupee, is an expansion of a $3 billion accord that expired earlier this year.
"Japan and India will expand their currency swap from a current $3 billion to $15 billion," Noda told a news conference in the Indian capital late Wednesday at the close of his 36-hour trip.
Japan, which has $1.2 trillion in foreign currency reserves, has been moving to enhance its global financial role, and struck a similar swap accord with South Korea in October.
The currency agreement is an extra weapon for India, which has $300 billion in reserves, to use in propping up the rupee.
The rupee has slid 15 percent this year against the dollar as overseas investors have withdrawn funds as they hunt for safe havens in the midst of global financial turmoil.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he was "extremely happy" with the outcome of his talks with Noda.
The two leaders said a landmark free-trade pact signed in February under which the high-tech nation and the South Asian giant will scrap tariffs on 94 percent of goods within a decade had huge potential for boosting commerce.
The countries' two-way trade stands at around $14 billion and is targeted? to rise to $25 billion by 2014 -- but that sum is still a fraction of Japan's $340-billion trade with China.
Noda also announced a $4.5-billion investment in an ambitious $100-billion infrastructure plan to create a manufacturing and freight corridor from New Delhi to financial hub Mumbai as well as $1.7 billion in loans for rapid transit and conservation projects.
The two countries also said nuclear negotiations that stalled after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011 were headed in the "right direction."
Japan and India launched talks in June 2010 on a nuclear cooperation pact that would allow Tokyo to export its cutting-edge technology to the energy-hungry South Asian nation, a hotly contested market for atomic plants.
Japan is worried that nuclear-armed India has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. But Japanese government spokesman Nori Shikata told reporters that "as a matter of basic policy we're interested in promoting use of Japanese civilian nuclear technology in India".
Prime Minister Noda said use of civilian nuclear technology could help India lower carbon emissions blamed for global warming but added he could not say when the talks might produce an agreement.
Ties between the countries have warmed only in recent years. Tokyo was traditionally a big lender to India but not a significant business partner and it was a strong critic of New Delhi?s unexpected 1998 nuclear weapons test.
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Snail mail, as it is derisively called, has been losing ground to e-mail, texting and social media for years. And the financial troubles of the United States Postal Service (USPS), in part due to the coming of the Internet age, are impacting what used to be one of the most stable jobs in the nation: that of the postal worker.
Between 2006 and 2010, first class mail declined 20 percent, according to Brian McCoy, a USPS representative who addressed a capacity crowd at the Tucson Convention Center on Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2011. Although "business mail" (AKA "junk mail") volume held steady, and USPS package deliveries increased during the same time period, the first class mail decline is ominous because first class "pays the bills," McCoy reported.
McCoy has the unenviable job of holding public hearings across the country in towns and cities -- like Tucson -- that are slated to lose their mail processing facilities and the accompanying good-paying postal jobs. As more than 500 Tucsonans listened to McCoy's presentation and waited to voice their opinions at the open mike, protesters from Jobs with Justice, Occupy Tucson, and the local postal workers' union chanted, waived signs and signed petitions outside.
According to McCoy, the postal service is in such dire financial straits that it needs a "$10 billion solution" to keep going. Baring an unforeseen miracle, plant closures, lay-offs and service changes in cities such as Tucson are inevitable.
The postal service currently has nearly 500 mail processing centers across the country; this level of capacity has been necessary to keep the gold standard of 24-hour delivery for local first class mail -- the financial mainstay of the postal service.
USPS proposes to cut the number of facilities from 487 to 252 and reduce the workforce through lay-offs and attrition; the Tucson mail processing plant is one that could be closed. This dramatic reduction in capacity would result in trucking local mail to regional processing centers and trucking it back for distribution. Of course, transporting mail between cities for processing will mean the " disappearance of 24-hour local mail delivery for most Americans, including Tucsonans, whose mail would be shipped to Phoenix for processing and back to Tucson for delivery. Under the USPS plan for "radical network realignment" the new standard for first class local mail delivery will be two to three days.
McCoy told skeptical Tucsonans that reducing the number of underutilized processing plants and, thus, allowing the remaining facilities to operate 20 hours per day, will make the postal service more competitive. Snail mail is already losing ground to its electronic competition because of its relative "speed"; it is not clear how doubling or tripling the turnaround time for first class mail will make the USPS more competitive in the Internet age. The future cost of fuel to transport thousands of pieces of mail from cities of origin to regional processing centers and back again is a huge unknown.
Several local Democratic Party politicians attended the public hearing in support of Tucson's postal workers, including Congressman Raul Grijalva and newly elected Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, who received enthusiastic applause from attendees. It is unclear exactly how many jobs would be lost in Tucson if the mail processing center closes. According to the Arizona Daily Star, 147 postal jobs would be eliminated, but the direct impact to the local economy would be in the neighborhood of 288 jobs; in the pre-event publicity, protest organizers -- including union leaders -- estimated the local job loss to be closer to 400. Nationwide, the plant closures would result in loss of 35,000 postal worker jobs.
During the two-hour public comment period, Grijalva said that there are other strategies that the USPS could use to improve its financial state, instead of resorting to plant closures, lay-offs and reductions in service. Grijalva suggested that the 2006 Congressional mandate requiring the USPS to prepay retirement funds be changed and that the postal service seek more competitive practices.
Thanks to the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006, the USPS is required to pre-pay billions of dollars per year into its employee retirement fund. In June 2011, the postal service temporarily stopped those payments, but this had no impact on employees' retirement because the postal service had a $6.9 billion surplus in the Federal Employee Retirement System.
That's right. According to the Washington Post, the postal service lost $5.1 billion in the same time period that it a $6.9 billion surplus in its retirement fund.
Where does the postal service go from here? For the next few months, McCoy and his colleagues will continue to make their case from city to city--extolling the virtues of plant consolidations and bearing the insults of angry residents who will lose their jobs and/or see reductions in services. The stated goal is to reduce mail processing payroll by 20 percent, according to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe.
Pamela Powers Hannley is a Tucson-based writer and political activist. If you would like to contribute as a citizen journalist to The Huffington Post's coverage of American political life, please contact us at
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Online sources are reporting that some of the biggest online giants are considering taking down their homepages to highlight the problems with SOPA which could soon become a law in the US market.
Google, Facebook and Amazon are some of the companies that are part of NetCoalition trade association that might take this drastic step.
SOPA has already seen enough opposition on the web but it is not a mainstream issue at the moment because not every online user knows about it.
If Google, Facebook and Amazon decide to blacklist their homepages for a couple of hours with their view on the SOPA, it might change that. And the protests might intensify enough to stop it from becoming a law.
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By Suzanne Choney
Updated at 3:06 p.m.
For the third time this month, Verizon Wireless is experiencing data service outages for some users of its 3G and 4G networks in various places around the country.
"We are investigating reports of some customers experiencing trouble accessing the 4G LTE network," said a spokeswoman for Verizon. "The network itself continues to operate and all customers continue to be able to make calls, send text messages and utilize data services. 3G devices are operating normally."
But some users of both the carrier's 3G, or third-generation, and newer 4G, fourth-generation, wireless technology say they're having problems.
"No 4G or 3G in Indianapolis," posted "jstipe" on Verizon's online support forum. "At least I got a recording when I called Customer Service stating that they were aware of the problem and were actively working on it."
In Houston, posted "wstein86," 3G is returning on and off. ... Why am I paying for a 4g service and america's supposedly MOST RELIABLE network again?"
And "zanth07" from Columbia, Maryland, said his area "has been without 4G for most of the day, 3G comes up for a few minutes and goes back down again. This is the 3rd time I know of this month that this has happened to me.? I've been a loyal customer of Verizon for many years because of their reliability, and now 3 months into a new 2 year agreement with what is right now a really expensive paper weight, I'm wondering how wise of a choice this was."
On Dec. 21, the carrier responded to complaints about 3G and 4G outages, although it said 3G devices were not affected. Nor did the company explain the cause of the outage. Verizon also had a 4G data service outage on Dec. 6.
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Check out Technolog, Gadgetbox, Digital Life and In-Game on?Facebook,?and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.
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Contact: Richard Orr, Ashworth College, +1-770-729-8400,, Press Room:
Leading Online School Unveils Online Destination with Tips, Techniques, and Strategies for Career Success
NORCROSS, Ga., Dec. 27, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Ashworth College (, a leading online school, unveils its online resource for those interested in the field of early childhood education. Ashworth has created a specialty group within its online Community to provide students and guests with industry best practices, career insights, and invaluable information for furthering their professional skills in early childhood education.
Ashworth offers several nationally accredited online degree, certificate and diploma programs in primary education and its Early Childhood Education Group is currently 6,089 members strong (as of December 2011) and is part of the larger 100,000 plus online Ashworth Community.
"Our goal is to be a trusted resource to those interested in early childhood education by providing timely and relevant content and dialog," said Amy Bernard, Director of Interactive Marketing for Ashworth College.
She went on to add "For our students, we wanted to create a comprehensive online learning environment where they can interact with others who have similar interests and goals, faculty, and working professionals in the education field. For prospective students, it also provides a forum to gather information and to ask questions in order to make informed decisions about their educational needs."
Ashworth has been educating working adults for the past 25 years. With the launch of the early childhood education group, Ashworth now provides a state-of-the-art online resource that shares professional content with non-students, as well as social networking opportunities for existing students. Group members and visitors will find:
-- A network of motivated and engaged students willing to encourage others by sharing personal, professional and educational insights and successes. -- Timely and relevant content regarding all aspects of early childhood development, from trends and technological advancements to career opportunities. -- Online study groups comprised of current Ashworth students enrolled in one of its educational programs. Members offer assistance with lessons and provide moral support to group members. -- Insights from students. Prospective students will benefit by learning from current students on what it is like to be an Ashworth student, how to be successful as an online student, and about the Early Childhood Education curriculum.
Rising student enrollments at all levels of education have created increasing demand for those employed in early childhood education careers. The U.S. Department of Education projects the industry to grow as much as 38% through 2014.
"I enjoy what I do and will continue to serve as an Adult Foster Care provider even when I get my Associates degree in Early Childhood Education. I look forward to learning from others in the community here at Ashworth." posted by Opal Normandeau, Sulphur Springs, Texas.
About Ashworth College Ashworth College, a leading online school, has built a tradition of excellence spanning 25 years, offering students worldwide more than 115 online college degrees, online certificate programs and online high school diploma options that are affordable and fit the busy schedules of working adults. Ashworth also offers military education online as well as specialized programs for corporate partners and homeschoolers.
Headquartered in Norcross, GA, Ashworth is accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC). The Accrediting Commission of the DETC is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency. James Madison High School is further accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI). For more information, visit
SOURCE Ashworth College
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Republican presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry speaks during a campaign stop at the Westside Conservative Club breakfast,Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011, in Urbandale, Iowa. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Republican presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry speaks during a campaign stop at the Westside Conservative Club breakfast,Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011, in Urbandale, Iowa. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
INDIANOLA, Iowa (AP) ? Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry said Wednesday that he has "always struggled" with his position on abortion and clarified remarks he made a day earlier to indicate he would allow abortion if a woman's life were at risk.
The Texas governor, campaigning hard in the final week ahead of Iowa's lead-off Jan. 3 caucuses, had told a pastor Tuesday that he had undergone a "transformation" on abortion rights after meeting a woman, Rebecca Kissling, who said she was conceived during a rape. She was featured in former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's anti-abortion documentary, "The Gift of Life," and Perry attended its Iowa premier.
A day later, Perry said he opposes abortion rights in cases of rape and incest, but would allow the legal procedure if the pregnancy threatened the mother's life.
"I think I've always struggled with that issue," Perry told reporters after meeting with voters in a sports bar. "After I went to see the movie a 'Gift of Life' and had a conversation with Rebecca Kissling, and I really thought about this through the Christmas holidays and that's the conclusion I came to."
Asked if a mother's life was the only instance when he would allow abortion, he was concise as he boarded his bus: "That's correct."
In his push before Iowa holds its first caucuses, Perry is playing up his social conservative credentials. But his late shift on abortion drew questions about what exactly he believed on the issue many Iowans make their top priority.
A Time-CNN poll released Wednesday showed only 19 percent of those likely to caucus view cultural issues such as abortion and gay rights were unimportant to their selection of a candidate. A separate New York Times-CBS News poll earlier this month said 32 percent of likely Republican caucus-goers said they would not support and candidate who changed positions on abortion.
In Osceola on Tuesday, Perry told a voter he had changed his view.
"You're seeing a transformation," Perry said. "That transformation was after watching the DVD 'Gift of Life,' and I really started giving some, some thought about the issue of rape and incest, and some powerful stories in that DVD."
He cited Kissling during that meeting at an electric co-op.
"When the lady who was in it was looking me in the eye and saying, 'You need to think this through,' she said, 'I am the product of a rape' and she said 'my life has worth,'" Perry said. "It was a powerful moment for me."
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Big Sean tells MTV News that 2012 will also bring his F.F.O.E. (Finally Famous Over Everything) mixtape and sophomore album.
By Rob Markman, with reporting by Vanessa Whitewolf
Kanye West
Photo: Getty Images
The ball hasn't even dropped yet, but 2012 is already looking to be a pretty good year for hip-hop thanks to planned releases from Kanye West and his G.O.O.D. Music clan.
"We're gonna do the G.O.O.D. Music album first; we been working on that," Big Sean told MTV News a few weeks ago on the set of Wale's "Slight Work" video in California. "So, me, Kanye, Cudi, CyHi, John Legend, Common, Pusha T, everybody on G.O.O.D., Mr Hudson: We're all working on a new project; it's almost done. We're going to London to finish it up and do the last part of it and working on my album at the same time with 'Ye and everybody."
Last week just before Christmas, Kanye gave fans across the pond a sneak preview of his label compilation when he DJed at holiday party at LeBaron London. Not only did Yeezy spin G.O.O.D. Music tracks, he also played beats from his upcoming sixth solo album, according to a report on Rap-Up. Maybe New Year's party-goers will get a taste too, since Kanye tweeted that he'd like to bring in 2012 on the 1s and 2s as well. "I kinda wanna DJ somewhere this New Years," he wrote Tuesday night.
Big Sean estimates that the G.O.O.D. Music album will drop in the spring, and after that, in the summer of 2012, he will be ready to deliver his sophomore album. Before that though, the Detroit MC promises to release a mixtape. Despite his major-label success in 2011, Sean recognizes that it was his mixtape grind that finally made him famous. "I'm sticking to that," he said. "I got the new F.F.O.E. mixtape, Finally Famous Over Everything, coming, new G.O.O.D. Music album, the next Finally Famous album, so we going hard."
Which project are you most looking forward to: the G.O.O.D. Music album, Big Sean's F.F.O.E. mixtape or Sean's sophomore LP? Tell us in the comments!
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(Reuters) ? Authorities said two adults and three children were killed as fire tore through a large house in Stamford, Connecticut, early on Christmas morning.
Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia and acting fire chief Antonio Conte confirmed the fatalities from the scene of the blaze, which began just before 5:00 a.m. in the Shippan Point neighborhood near the city's harbor.
"Three adults and two children lost their lives," Pavia said in news video posted on the Stamford Advocate newspaper's website.
"At this point, we have nothing further to say, except that our hearts and prayers go out to the family and to emergency personnel on the scene," he added.
Calls to the mayor's office and Stamford fire department were not immediately returned, as offices were closed for the weekend and the Christmas holiday.
Video showed fire ripping through a house in the residential district of large homes.
It was unclear whether all the victims were members of the same family. Conte could not immediately say whether the deceased adults were the parents of the three children, as the fire was still being investigated, he said.
Conte said teams were working to secure the fire, to determine its cause and to recover bodies. He added that officials would have no further comment until later in the day.
A three-alarm blaze at a building on Shippan Avenue was called in at 4:53 a.m., Stamford Fire & Rescue announced in an early morning Twitter message.
Stamford is on Connecticut's shore on Long Island Sound, about 40 miles northeast of New York City.
(Reporting by Zach Howard. Editing by Tim Gaynor)
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A Clay County Sheriff's deputy walks by smoldering brush on his way to wreckage from a helicopter crash in an area west of Green Cove Springs, Fla. Monday afternoon, Dec. 26, 2011. The helicopter was enroute to Gainesville from Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville to receive a heart for a transplant when it crashed. The three people who were in the helicopter died at the scene. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Kelly Jordan)
A Clay County Sheriff's deputy walks by smoldering brush on his way to wreckage from a helicopter crash in an area west of Green Cove Springs, Fla. Monday afternoon, Dec. 26, 2011. The helicopter was enroute to Gainesville from Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville to receive a heart for a transplant when it crashed. The three people who were in the helicopter died at the scene. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Kelly Jordan)
A Clay County fire official drives through smoldering brush on his way to wreckage from a helicopter crash in an area west of Green Cove Springs, Fla. Monday afternoon, Dec. 26, 2011. The helicopter was enroute to Gainesville from Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville to receive a heart for a transplant when it crashed. The three people who were in the helicopter died at the scene. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Kelly Jordan)
Clay County Sheriff's officials create a staging area about 150 yards from wreckage from a helicopter crash in an area west of Green Cove Springs, Fla. Monday afternoon, Dec. 26, 2011. The helicopter was enroute to Gainesville from Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville to receive a heart for a transplant when it crashed. The three people who were in the helicopter died at the scene. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Kelly Jordan)
Clay County Sheriff's deputies head deep into the woods on four wheelers in an attempt to locate wreckage from a helicopter crash in an area west of Green Cove Springs, Fla. Monday afternoon, Dec. 26, 2011. The helicopter was enroute to Gainesville from Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville to receive a heart for a transplant when it crashed. The three people who were in the helicopter died at the scene. (AP Photo/The Florida Times-Union, Kelly Jordan)
MIAMI (AP) ? A helicopter that was on its way to retrieve a heart for transplant crashed in northern Florida, killing all three on board and leaving the transplant patient having to wait for another organ to become available.
The helicopter departed from a Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville on Monday around 5:45 a.m. carrying a surgeon and a technician along with the pilot. But the helicopter never arrived at the Gainesville hospital, Shands at University of Florida, about 60 miles to the southwest, said Kathy Barbour, a spokeswoman for Mayo, which is based in Rochester, Minn.
Killed were heart surgeon Dr. Luis Bonilla, procurement technician David Hines and the pilot, whose name wasn't released.
The heart they were going to pick up could not be used in another transplant because its viability expired, and the patient who had been scheduled to receive it is waiting for a new organ, Mayo Clinic spokesman Layne Smith said.
The helicopter went down about 12 miles northeast of Palatka, Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said. The town is about 40 miles east of Gainesville and about 45 miles south of Jacksonville.
The wreckage, which was in remote, densely forested area, was spotted around noon by another helicopter, said Clay County sheriff's Lt. Russ Burke. Debris was scattered around the crash site, which was hidden from the road by rows of pine trees.
The National Transportation Safety Board was investigating.
The National Weather Service in Jacksonville reported there was light fog with overcast conditions in the area but no rain.
"As we mourn this tragic event, we will remember the selfless and intense dedication they brought to making a difference in the lives of our patients," John Noseworthy, Mayo Clinic president and chief executive officer, said in a statement. "We recognize the commitment transplant teams make every day in helping patients at Mayo Clinic and beyond. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families."
FAA records show the Bell 206 helicopter is operated by SK Jets. The St. Augustine company released a statement: "The focus of our efforts at this time is to attend to the needs of our passengers, crew and their families and work with the NTSB and local public safety officials to determine the cause and extent of the accident."
Gary Robb, a Kansas City aviation attorney specializing in helicopter safety, said SK Jets is known as a careful and safe operator in the industry. The small, lightweight craft has low weight and speed capabilities and is primarily used by traffic reporters or police departments, Robb said.
"It's not usually used in donor flights," he said.
"If you're on a mission where time is sensitive, why use an engine that is low performance?" Robb said, adding that the helicopter has a cramped cabin.
An NTSB investigator will scour the crash site for clues and look into the pilot's experience and any factors that might have impaired the pilot, any environmental factors such as birds or low visibility that may have contributed to the crash, and any mechanical problems with the helicopter, he said.
The Bell 206 usually has an older engine no longer installed in new models, Robb said.
"We've seen a number of instances where that engine simply failed," Robb said.
The crash and others like it illustrate the delicate nature of transporting organs.
In 1990, a surgeon and an assistant flying to pick up a donor heart for a patient were killed in a plane crash in New Mexico. And in 2007, a twin-engine plane carrying a team of surgeons and technicians ? along with a set of lungs on ice being brought to a patient already prepped for surgery ? crashed into the choppy waters of Lake Michigan. Six were killed.
Doctors ultimately got another set of donor lungs that were transplanted into the patient.
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